Hawaiʻi Agribusiness Resources

O‘ahu RC&D works with multiple organizations to collaborate on projects and workshops to share with community groups. Check out these different resources involving Agribusiness in Hawai‘i. 

AgriLogic Consulting LLC: Risk Management Resources

AgriLogic Consulting LLC collaborated to present a workshop to farmers in Wai‘anae. They offered crop insurance education and related risk management strategies specific to farmers in Hawai‘i.

For more information on workshops on crop insurance in Hawai‘i, CLICK HERE.
Click the link below for AgriLogic Consulting LLC workshop material.

Hawai‘i Agribusiness Guidebook

The Hawaiʻi Agribusiness Guidebook was produced by Oʻahu RC&D in collaboration with the UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, with funding provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Guidebook address basic business skills for agricultural businesses, including record keeping, taxes, marketing, regulations, food safety, exporting, etc.

From time to time, Oʻahu RC&D offers workshops addressing specific chapters of the Guidebook. If you are interested in learning more about these workshops, please send us an email at admin@oahurcd.org.

The guidebook discusses the following topics: 

  1. Accounting and Taxes – takes you through basic bookkeeping, determining your cost of production, tracking cash flow, and preparing financial statements so that you may make informed production and business decisions, and submitting financial filings required by the government.
  2. Marketing – covers identifying and becoming familiar with your target markets, positioning and branding your company, products, or services to your markets, and adjusting your marketing mix to appeal to your target markets.
  3. Regulations – deals with permitting, licensing, certification, and zoning requirements; conservation planning; insurance and labor requirements; food safety on the farm; and structuring and registering your agribusiness.
  4. Other Lessons – covers such topics as distributing your products locally or exporting your products; obtaining loans and other financings; and provides a listing of various organizations that offer services to agricultural entrepreneurs.