Honouliuli Watershed Project
Honouliuli is one of several watersheds in Oahu designated by the Hawaii Department of Health as “impaired,” meaning it does not meet current water quality standards. In an effort to improve the health of these waters, Oʻahu RC&D implemented the Honouliuli Watershed Project.
Oʻahu RC&D will utilize available NRCS technical resources to work with the farm managers to update Conservation Plans and facilitate the accelerated implementation of conservation practices that reduce nutrient and sediment loads. Technical assistance includes field surveys and engineering designs for structural practices, oversight and assistance during implementation, and on-going consultation for operation and maintenance needs. Financial assistance (30% cost-share) will be provided for practices that have been shown to reduce soil erosion.
Oʻahu RC&D will also be working with stakeholders and the interested public to create a watershed-based plan for the project area that further identifies opportunities to improve water quality.